West Hansen

West Hansen began leading expeditions in the legendary faraway places of our ever-shrinking world. Fueled by the lure of a daily existence devoid of constant electronic input while traveling at a natural pace, the expeditions also seek out routes that have yet to be attained by others, though often attempted. His primary mode is through canoe and kayak paddling. West led an expedition to explore and paddle the Amazon River from source to sea. He paddled the Volga River. His most recent accomplishment was being the first person (he led a team of 3 others, appropriately named The Arctic Cowboys) to traverse the arctic’s Northwest Passage in a single season using only human power. West currently serves as a Director and Past-President of the Central Texas chapter of the Explorer’s Club. In 2024, I was honored to have West as one of my two sponsors for membership in the Explorers Club. You can check out West’s long tenured background and accomplishments at either West Hansen or The Arctic Cowboys.

Tom McGuire