“When I am on an expedition, I have no time limit on a task that I must accomplish, no schedule to respect, no employer to satisfy or unnecessary stress accumulated. Social networks do not have priority in a context where only moving around in the environment counts. My most important possessions are my sleeping bag, my stove, my thermos of hot water. I am moving forward with partners whom I like to slowly getting to know. There, no one needs a title like: Athlete or anything else to define ourselves. We are who we decide to be without needing to talk about profession. If I had a powerful enough voice, I would use it to bring more people to enjoy the benefits of an outdoor life. Happiness “
Caroline Côté is an adventure filmmaker and long-distance athlete. One of her latest expeditions was Polar Shadows, where she crossed the Svalbard archipelago in the Arctic Circle in the winter in the polar night for 63 days in complete autonomy. Since 2023, she has become the women’s world record holder for the fastest crossing of 1,130 km from the starting point Hercules Inlet to the South Pole.
She has also completed several other major expeditions, including crossing a little-explored region of Antarctica (twice) in complete autonomy on the Forbidden Plateau, where her team climbed untouched peaks. She also recently participated in the Pull of the North expedition, where she followed the Yukon River for more than two months by canoe across Alaska to meet the Athabascan-speaking people. She has just returned from northern Quebec, more precisely from Kuururjuaq Park, a place she visited to create the documentary called Traversées currently on a world festival tour. Filming in natural, remote and complex environmental locations is her passion and specialty. You can find her on the Atlantic coast or on top of Mount Washington with her camera or in the forest, because she loves running at altitude (65 km, 85 km or 125 km).
You can read more about Caroline on her website https://www.caroline-cote.com/