Brett Freidman is an outdoor educator as well as an adventurer. While he paddled the Inside Passage and is a regular Alaskan paddler and sea kayak instructor there, he is a NOLS (National Outdoor Leadership School) instructor, an EMT-P and a Wilderness First Responder and teaches many Wilderness First Aid courses. He had a long career with REI and posts weekly covering all aspects of outdoor learning on YouTube. He has helped countless paddlers by remotely diagnosing their kayak progression issues, giving advice on just about anything to do with kayaking, and provides one on one coaching. He has authored several books (Go! about Adventure Trip Planning and a series of books that are “Simple Guides”). He also has produced several briefs, pieces of important information adventurers would find very useful. I have been fortunate enough to have in-person sea kayaking instruction with him at his base in North Carolina. Today, Brett operates out of Pennsylvania. Brett’s teaching videos can be seen on his YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/c/AdventureOtaku.